Technical Links
This section lists links to genomics datebases and websites with useful technical information on bioinformatics and cereal genetics.
Phytopath - Bioinformatics resource that integrates genome-scale data from important plant pathogen species with literature-curated information about the phenotypes of host infection. Using the Ensembl Genomes browser, it provides access to complete genome assembly and gene models of priority crop and model-fungal and oomycete phytopathogens. PhytoPath also links genes to disease progression using data from the curated PHI-base resource.
Global Food Security - The UK's main public funders of food related research are working together through the Global Food Security programme to meet the challenge of providing the world's growing population with a sustainable, secure supply of nutritious food from less land and using fewer inputs.
NIAB Innovation Farm - Improving knowledge transfer and uptake of crop genetic innovation between science, academics and industry.
Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project (Wheat CAP):
US project with the main goal of increasing the competitiveness of public wheat breeding programs through the intensive use of modern selection technologies,
mainly Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). In this website you will find a link to a Protocols section
This section has links to available MAS methods for markers for 38 different traits, including quality traits and insect, fungi and virus resistance.
Haplotype Polymorphism in Polyploid Wheats and their Diploid Ancestors:
Project on the discovery and mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. This project performed SNP discovery using ESTs that had been previously
mapped to chromosome bins. Intron SNPs were targeted by designing genome specific primers for the A, B and D genomes. The SNP discovery panel included diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid
wheat lines. The search function allows the user to identify SNP markers for a specific chromosome or bin. The information includes the relevant genome specific primer pairs for each
mapped EST and the sequence polymorphism found among the diverse wheat panel examined. An example of the use of these markers can be found in:
Chao et al (2009) Analysis of gene-derived SNP marker polymorphism in US wheat cultivars.
Molecular Breeding. 23:23-33
JIC Genetic Stocks
Wheat ESTs at CerealsDB
JIC Gait Genotyping Data
Molecular markers learning modules by Cornell University
BBSRC Small Grain Cereal Collections
European Triticeae Genomics Initiative (ETGI)
CR-EST: The IPK Crop EST Databse
GrainGenes: A USDA sponsored database for Triticeae and Avena