Objective 3 - Simon Griffiths (JIC)
The Avalon x Cadenza mapping population
At JIC, the Avalon x Cadenza population seed stocks will be maintained. These stocks will be made available to other researchers upon request to ensure that at the start of all new projects the seed is multiple up from the authentic source. Within the funded WGIN traits research (outlined below) the A x C DH mapping will be used to explore differences in NUE (Activity 8) and accumulation in soil of take-all inoculum in a 1st wheat situation (Activity 10). Data generated in WGIN 1 already indicated the A x C DH is highly suitable for these two projects In addition to the original 203 A x C DH generated at JIC, already further DH lines are being created at RRes using core funds. These lines will become available by mid 2009 and will probably increase the size of the mapping population to over 850 lines. Seed for these DH additional will initially be in short supply and so these lines will in the first instance be used to further fine map QTLs already identified using the original mapping population.
See Resources for the latest data on the Avalon x Cadenza double haploid population